Xuemei Ge
Installation Art
MAR 2022
Materials: 3D modelling Space size: 7m (L) x 5m (W) x 5m (H)

MURDER is an installation artwork that confronts the audience with the weight of their actions and the far-reaching consequences of war. Inspired by the anxiety and despair caused by the recent conflict between Ukraine and Russia, this work reflects my strong stance as an anti-war activist. While war may serve the interests of a few, it comes at the devastating cost of innocent lives, a price that is both unfair and inhumane.
In this installation, participants are unknowingly placed in a scenario where they must decide whether to push a button without understanding the outcome. Upon doing so, they are confronted with a sudden flash of red light, deafening explosions, and haunting cries—immersing them in the visceral fear of the unknown that innocent people face during war. This moment forces the audience to confront the possibility that, through unintentional actions or passive choices, they too might contribute to violence and destruction.
Through MURDER, I aim to evoke a profound emotional response, challenging viewers to reflect on their roles in perpetuating conflict, whether through direct actions or indirect complicity. May this work serve as a reminder of the horrors of war, and may it inspire love, peace, and understanding to prevail in the world.